Vacation is important, perhaps even vital!

Vacation is important, it is important for employees, and it is important for employers. In the Nordic countries, we have very strong traditions of vacation and time off. We thought it could be interesting to provide a brief historical perspective on how vacation culture and rights have evolved in the Nordic countries. We actually go all the way back to the 19th century! Additionally, we will take a look at a Finnish study that revealed that vacation can actually be vital for your well-being!

Vacation is important, it is important for employees, and it is important for employers. In the Nordic countries, we have very strong traditions of vacation and time off. We thought it could be interesting to provide a brief historical perspective on how vacation culture and rights have evolved in the Nordic countries. We actually go all the way back to the 19th century! Additionally, we will take a look at a Finnish study that revealed that vacation can actually be vital for your well-being!


Some history

In the Nordic countries, including Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland, vacation culture and vacation rights have developed in similar ways throughout history. Here are some important features of the Nordic history with regards to vacations:

  1. Role of the labor movement: During the 19th and 20th centuries, the labor movement had a significant influence on the development of vacation culture and vacation rights in the Nordic countries. The labor movement fought for shorter working hours, improved working conditions, and more leisure time for workers.
  2. The eight-hour workday law: At the beginning of the 20th century, the eight-hour workday law was introduced in several Nordic countries. This led to a reduction in working hours and provided workers with more time for leisure and recreation.
  3. Collective vacation schemes: In several Nordic countries, collective vacation schemes were introduced in the 1930s, granting workers paid vacations and the rights to take time off. This was an important step in ensuring that workers had the opportunity to rest and enjoy their free time.
  4. Summer vacation culture: Summer vacation holds a special significance in the Nordic countries. Traditionally, many workers and families take longer vacations during the summer, especially in July and August. This has become part of the Nordic vacation culture, where people often go on vacation, spend time in cabins, or explore nature.
  5. Strong labor unions: Labor unions in the Nordic countries have played a crucial role in negotiating and securing good vacation rights for workers. Through collective bargaining and collective agreements, labor unions have contributed to establishing and maintaining vacation schemes.

Today, the Nordic countries have comprehensive legislation and regulations regarding vacations, providing workers with the right to paid vacation, usually based on the number of working days or working hours. Statutory vacation entitlements may vary slightly between the different Nordic countries, but they all aim to ensure that workers have the right to take vacations and have time for rest and leisure.


Why is vacation important? 

Vacation is important for several reasons. Firstly, it provides us with the opportunity to rest and recharge. After a period of work or study, we need time to relax, reduce stress levels, and take care of our physical and mental health. Vacation allows us to unwind, get enough sleep, and engage in activities that bring us joy and relaxation.

Additionally, vacation helps maintain a healthy work-life balance. It gives us time to explore our interests, spend time with friends and family, and nurture our personal relationships. It allows us to participate in activities we enjoy, explore new places, and experience different cultures.

Vacation has also been shown to be beneficial for productivity. When we take the time to rest and recharge, we come back to work with renewed energy and motivation. We often become more focused, creative, and efficient after a good vacation period. Vacation also gives us the opportunity to reflect on our goals and priorities, and perhaps set a new plan for the future.

Overall, vacation contributes to our overall well-being and quality of life. It provides us with a well-deserved break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and allows us to create memories and experiences that last a lifetime. Vacation also helps strengthen our personal and social bonds, giving us time to focus on ourselves and our loved ones.

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Vacation can actually be vital for your well-being.

A Finnish study conducted by the University of Helsinki, which started in the 1970s, followed 1,200 men for 40 years. All the participants had a predisposition to cardiovascular diseases. The study came to a rather surprising finding: Stress management and vacation were found to be life-saving! In fact, the findings showed that the group that took three weeks or more of vacation regularly had up to a 37% lower risk of death! This may sound incredible, but taking long enough vacations, frequently enough, can indeed prolong your life...

If you want to read more about how vacation and time off work in Huma, you can do so here: Relax your mind, vacation planning with Huma will unwind

Source for the research project in Finland: Take a vacation! It could prolong your life.

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