Norwegian Sick leave follow-up process

All the notifications in a norwegian sick leave follow-up process

Day 1
Type Mail
Description Information that the employee has started a sick leave, and what the follow-up process will contain
Day 7
Type Task assignment
Description Check up on the employee
Day 9
Type Task assignment

Send Margrethes income report to Altinn if the sick leave is assumed to go on for at least 16 days

Day 14
Type Task assignment

Check up on the employee

Day 17
Type Task assignment

Invite the employee to a Oppfølgingsplanmøte where you will create a follow up plan. At the latest 4 weeks from the first sick day.

Day 31
Type Task assignment

Check up on the employee. Update the follow plan in NAV if needed.

Day 38
Type Task assignment

Invite the employee to Dialogmøte 1 where you will discuss the sick leave and it’s state

Day 45
Type Task assignment

Check up on the employee. Update the follow plan in NAV if needed.

Day 52
Type Mail

Last notification of the process. Information about the rest of the legislation based tasks.