Use Huma as an Intranet?

Yes, of course you can! Here is an overview of the typical intranet functions that we can solve in Huma today, and in time we will get even more exciting news

Information for employees

Create articles on news from the company that you want to share with employees

The articles contain; Image, Headline, Text.

  • When the articles are published, they send Push notification to email and / or app
  • Published news also appears on the Home page in huma
  • The articles can deal with groups in companies; department, location, team, project

Share documents

Documents in Huma are divided into several different types of documents, everything is gathered in one place and with the right accesses

  • Personnel documents; Applies to a specific employee
  • Management documents; Applies to an employee, but is only available to the manager
  • Organizational documents; Available to everyone in the company
  • Group documents; Available to a group of employees
  • The documents have the right access control and they are safe according to GDPR
  • New documents can send out Push notification to email and / or app


Organizational overview

Employee list, personnel information, groups, locations, teams, management levels, rights and access rights.

  • Huma supports your organizational structure and gives you the most modern way to showcase them.
  • Get reports, statistics and smart analysis.



What tasks should be solved and who should do them?

  • The task center in Huma is linked to all modules in Huma and retrieves tasks from here
  • In addition, you can create assignments with or without an expiration date for yourself
  • Or create assignments that are put on colleagues
  • Build your own HR Year Wheel or other lists of tasks that you want
  • The system helps you with the sorting of tasks and you easily tick off tasks that have been completed.


Competence overview

Who has what kind of expertise in the company? Is something out of date?

  • Huma helps you with a good overview of the company's expertise
  • Which certificates and courses are relevant in our company?
  • Which employee has what?
  • How many employees have the different courses / certificates?
  • What is the date and time?