We live by two simple principles

Let’s take it from the top: HR-systems must be easier to launch and implement. Today’s process of preliminary projects, implementation and user adoption consultants makes it difficult to succeed with new softwares. It’s common to get sick and tired of the software even before it’s up and running.

1. Huma is easy to use

Let’s take it from the top: HR-systems must be easier to launch and implement. Today’s process of preliminary projects, implementation and user adoption consultants makes it difficult to succeed with new softwares. It’s common to get sick and tired of the software even before it’s up and running.

Many softwares require training before implementation, but you can choose if you want help during launch or if you want to do it yourself, which we are sure you’ll do with ease. We actually have proof which backs the statement. We let a large number of people try Huma without having seen it beforehand. They spent an average of six minutes from when they opened the software till they had set up their company.

But launch isn't the only thing that should be easy. Daily use should of course be a smooth and enjoyable experience. No one wants to navigate through complicated softwares only to find out they've been doing it wrong the whole time. 

Try for yourself here - starting is actually that easy

We have put ease of use at the top of our priority list, because the software has to be uncomplicated even when you are at home with a harsh fever and you have to tell the boss you’re not coming to work. Tools has to be user friendly to be helpful!

That’s why we have prioritized mobile compatibility from the first code line when we developed Huma. We are in fact tailoring it to every device you use. Huma should be just as easy to use on your phone during the daily commute as in the office with a computer

Read more about Huma's mobile solution here

2. Huma is easy to like

Huma is easy to use, as mentioned, but it is just as easy to like. 

The reason is simple: HR-softwares isn't something that’s just nifty to have. It must be used to have value. After all, it’s easier to spread information on a platform which coworkers actually use than it is to hang up notes around the office. 

Huma and especially the module News is a platform that lets you do exactly that. 

Whether it be on boarding of a new employee, updated internal guidelines, information about staff benefits and vacation guidelines, quarterly updates from the boss or photos of the summer party - every company is better with good communication. 

A place which isn’t Zoom, e-mail, Dropbox or Slack. News gives you the opportunity to gather every internal message in one spot without the concern of information getting lost.

Follow these principles and your HR-system will be easier to like - for everyone.



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