Create successful onboarding processes with the help of Huma

Employee onboarding is a crucial process for any company looking to retain and engage their employees. A well-designed onboarding process can help new hires feel welcome, supported, and equipped to succeed in their role. It’s even been proved that a proper onboarding process will significantly reduce unwanted employee turnover!

Through a series of "How can I" questions, we aim to show how Huma can help you make great onboarding processes.

How can I...

How can I make the onboarding processes efficient and reusable?
How can I present the new hire to everyone in our company?
How can I make the onboarding process welcoming and engaging for the new hire?
How can I ensure the new hire understands the company guidelines and procedures?
How can I provide ongoing feedback and support to the new hire?
How can I streamline and improve our onboarding processes?

How can I make the onboarding processes efficient and reusable?

Efficient and reusable_ENTo have an effective onboarding process, you need to structure all tasks that need to be done from when a new employee has signed the contract to when they are well underway in their work. This can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months.

In Huma you can create multiple templates to get a more automated onboarding process. This will save you a lot of time and a big plus is that it can be reused to get a consistent process.

You can even combine templates if you want one common template for the whole company and one specialised for specific teams or roles.

For instance: If you have tasks that need to be done in every onboarding - add them to a separate template and combine them with the more specific templates.

How can I present the new hire to everyone in our company?

Present new hire_ENA good practice is to write an article in Huma where the new hire has answered some questions about themselves and what they will do in the company. This way, both you as a company and your employees will be prepared to welcome the new hire and already know a bit about them before their first day of work.

This will make the new hire feel more included before their first day of work, and can also serve as an icebreaker during the first period as a new hire.

Tips: Articles can either be shared with everyone or specific teams or locations.

How can I make the onboarding process welcoming and engaging for the new hire?

Welcoming and egaging_ENWe recommend that the structured onboarding template in Huma also includes the ‘soft’ tasks in an onboarding. Assign an Onboarding buddy who should be responsible for some extra follow up with the new hire in the first 4-5 months.

You should also include the new hire in social gatherings already before their first workday. This is called preboarding, and tasks concerning this can be assigned to the Onboarding buddy or HR.

Example: “Take the new hire out for lunch”

How can I ensure the new hire understands the company guidelines and procedures?

Guidelines_ENIf you use the handbook module in Huma, you may want a task in the onboarding template for the new hire to read the most important topics in the handbook.

You can invite the new hire to Huma a week before they start. This way, they can also update their personal profile and already get a sense of the different teams and people in the organization before their first day on the job.

How can I provide ongoing feedback and support to the new hire?

Ongoing feedback_ENSet up tasks in the template for some meetings:

HR should have a startup meeting with the new hire to see if they have any questions and make sure they understand the company guidelines.

The supervisor should have regular meetings with the new hire the first 6 months to make sure everything runs smoothly and help the new hire continue to grow and develop in their role.

Use Huma’s Meeting module which has a lot of meeting templates.

How can I streamline and improve our onboarding processes?

Streamline_ENHuma has given you a good start with our onboarding template, but there’s always room for improvement.

At the end of every onboarding, have a review meeting (template is in our Meeting module) where the employee can evaluate the onboarding process. Make sure to update your onboarding templates with the new insights.



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